Taking care of your mind, body and soul.

Yoga Classes in North Somerset, Bristol

Yoga for Everyone!

Have you ever been so quiet and still you can hear your own heart beat?


The idea of reconnecting with ourselves can seem daunting to many people, especially people who have found themselves in the fast lane of life with little time to think. Many people believe they don’t have the time to stop and give back to themselves. Misunderstanding that by giving back to ourselves we are able to then give more from ourselves.

Yoga allows us to find a stillness that we are happy and comfortable to be in. This stillness is something many of us have lost touch with. This isn’t to say that in yoga we don’t move or work physically hard. In yoga we work the body in a way that rebalances our alignment and energy system by balancing our bodies physical pathways. By doing this we are then able to find ultimate rest.

Strength, focus and determination are all key attributes that we develop during our yoga practice. The amazing thing is, you don’t leave these attributes on the mat, they come with you into your own life. Work, family, sport and play. Yoga doesn’t just stop it continues making us healthy, resilient and compassionate people for life.

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 Why love Yoga? 

To me yoga is not just a great form of exercise, its about finding my true self again and again and again.

 There are many reasons people practice yoga for health, strength, flexibility spirituality, meditation, philosophy, community and mindfulness are a few but truthfully any reason is a good one.

Once I have stepped onto my mat the fun really begins as I can start to move, flow and breath my way back into my own body, reconnecting to who I am and how I am is the start of an amazing journey of exploration.

When I step off my mat I am me again, I am whole.

You can read more about my journey here.

With an emphasis on breathing techniques and meditation, we promote thoughtful and reflexive yoga to promote both physical and mental well-being.


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